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Add Contact

The Add Contact option is available if the Exchange Integration has been set to synchronize contacts.

To add a contact from Outlook/Exchange to CRM:

  1. Highlight the contact in Outlook, and click the Add Contact button. Deduplication is carried out based on the match rules set by the System Administrator in CRM. For example, Company Name "contains", and Person Last Name "contains". Please refer to Preventing duplicate entries for more information.
  2. Review and complete the contact details in CRM, then click Save.
  3. The contact is added to the CRM database, and also displayed in the My CRM | Contacts list. The Add Contact button is disabled for the contact you have added.

If the CRM match rules detected that the contact was already in the CRM database, then it is just added to the My CRM | Contacts list. Note: The contact does not show as linked (CRM Contact category in Outlook) until the next synchronization. At that point, deduplication takes places using Exchange Synchronization deduplication. Please see Contacts: CRM to Exchange for more information.

See Also:

Installing the Outlook Plug-in for Exchange Integration

Working with the Outlook Plug-in for Exchange Integration

File E-mail