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Appointments: Exchange to CRM

To create an appointment in Exchange and view it in CRM:

  1. From Outlook, add a new appointment or meeting request (Calendar | New). For example, a meeting with Arthur Browne of Design Right to enter final negotiations. You can add the customer contact (Arthur) to the Required attendee list if you want to send him an invitation to the meeting.
  2. Click Save and Close or Send.
  3. Switch to CRM, and after the next synchronization has taken place, check My CRM | Calendar for the new appointment.

Note: Only appointments from the default Calendar are synchronized with CRM. If you have appointments that you do not want to synchronize to CRM, then it is recommended these are created in secondary folders.

There are a few things that you'll notice straight away about the way the appointment looks in CRM:

See Also:

Appointments: CRM to Exchange

Synchronizing appointments

Stub Appointments

Inviting external attendees to a meeting