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Menu buttons
You can move from one area to the other with the Menu buttons. The Menu buttons available to you remain the same regardless of the company or person or any other context you're working in.
- Click Find to search for a company, person, case, opportunity, lead, quote, order, communication, solution, or to perform an advanced find or keyword searcha logical search.
- Click New to create a new company, person, solution, case, opportunity, lead, quote, order, appointment, task, email, or document.
- Click My CRM to display a series of tabs with information relating to your work in progress.
- Click Team CRM to view your team's activities.
- Click Marketing to set up new marketing campaigns.
- Click My CRM | Reports to run reports on customer information.
- Click Log Off to exit the system.
The number of menu buttons you can see is set up by your System Administrator in your user profile.
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