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Text editor buttons

Use the Sage CRM text editor to format the body of a mail merge template or email template. The following table explains buttons whose function might not be immediately obvious. Hover over a button to view the button name.




View or edit the source code of the document.


See what the final template will look like.


Add a link to an email address, anchor, or web site.


Remove a link to an email address, anchor, or web site.


Insert a marker in your text. You can link to this marker.


Make the text editor window the full size of your screen.Note: You can't maximize the text editor when working on iPad.

Block Quote

Format the text as a block quote. The text is indented and italicized.

Create Div Container

Add a div container to apply formatting to a large fragment of text. This is an advanced feature that you should use only if you've sufficient knowledge of Web standards.