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You are here: Appointments and tasks > Changing the status of a communication

Changing the status of a communication

Depending on your access rights, you can change the Status, Team, Territory, and Regarding panel fields for a task.

  1. Open your Calendar.
  2. In List view, click the action icon for the task. The Task Synchronization Management Fields Details page is displayed.
  3. In Calendar view, click the Pending status icon. The status is automatically changed to Complete and the Task Details page is displayed.
  4. As you're making the call, you can add notes to Details.
  5. When the call is completed, select Complete from Status.
  6. Check the follow-up boxes if required.
  7. Click Save. The Calendar page is displayed.

The completed task no longer appears in your Calendar. It's saved in the Communications tab of the Person with whom the call was scheduled, forming part of the customer history.

Tasks are rolling in Sage CRM; a task stays in the Tasks panel of your calendar until it's completed. Appointments are not rolling; an appointment stays in your calendar on the date and time scheduled. For more information, see Navigating your calendar.

See Also:

Finding a communication

Creating a task

Reassigning an existing task to a colleague

Scheduling a task for a colleague

Navigating your calendar

Recurring appointments