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Adding group list information to a tab
User Requirement: System Administrator rights, or Information Manager with Key Attributes rights
You can review and change static group data from the record level that it is stored against. For example, if you want to view all actions (mail merges, email blasts, and so on) carried out against a particular person, or see what Groups they are members of, you can display this key attribute profiling data on a tab within the person context. For more information, see Key Attribute Profiling in the System Administrator Guide.
- ClickAdministration | Advanced Customization | Key Attributes | Category Groups, and make sure that General Category Groups is selected in the list.
- Click New.
- Enter a name and description for the Category Group, for example, Group Information.
- Select the categories, for example, Default Activities and Group Entries, that you want to be displayed within this category group from the Key Attribute Categories list and move them over to the Categories Within Group list. These are at the upper level of the Key Attribute Categories list. You could start much lower down the child categories to display more specific information relating to a particular set of actions or groups.
- Click Save to display the new category group.
- To display the information on a tab within the context of a person, click Administration | Customization | Person | Tabs.
- Click the Person tab group. The Customize Tabs page is displayed.
- Add a new tab, with the Action set to Key Attributes, and the Key Attribute Category Group set to the category group you have just created.
- Click Add, then click Save.
- Search for a Person, who is already on one of the groups you have created, and where you have carried out an action against that group.
- Click the Person record.
- Click the new tab you have created. The key attribute data representing the group membership and actions carried out is displayed on the tab. This information can be manually edited to change, for example, a particular person from being Included in a group to being Excluded.
See also:
Creating a group
Group action buttons
How group information is stored
Key attribute data generated by groups
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