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Adding multiple records to a group using Find/Saved Search

  1. Click My CRM | Groups.
  2. Click the link for the group you want to add records to. The Group Details page is displayed.
  3. Click Add Records To The Group. The Add To Group dialog box is displayed.
  4. Add Records Via Find / Saved Search is selected by default. Click Continue.
  5. To search for the records you want to add to the group, use the filter options or run a saved search.
  6. Click Add to group A notification is displayed to tell you the number of records you have added to the group.
  7. Click Continue to go back to the Group Details page.

See Also:

Creating a group

Creating a group from the Groups tab

Creating a group from the Wave Activities tab

Creating a group based on a primary entity search

Group action buttons

Adding multiple records to a group