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Exporting group information

You can export a group to a CSV or text file. If a group is exported to a CSV file, it is saved in the My CRM | Shared Documents tab.

When exporting a group to a file, the type of communication record created depends on the entity the group is based on:

To export a group:

  1. Click My CRM | Groups.
  2. Click the group you want to export. The Group Details page is displayed.
  3. Click Export To File. The Export Group page is displayed.
  4. Select either the Spreadsheet (CSV) or Text option.
  5. Click Save. When the list is exported, you can view it or save it to a location of your choice.

The Create entry in shared documents check box is selected by default if the group you're exporting is not private. If the group is private, the check box is deselected by default. Selecting it makes the shared document available to all users.

See also:

Creating a group

Group action buttons

How group information is stored

Key attribute data generated by groups

Viewing an exported group