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Company tabs

These tabs are displayed in the context of a Company.

Tab Displays
Summary Core company details, phone and email, principal address, and contact for all companies that you've rights to view.
Quick Look Your recent history with this company. It lists the most recent communications, sales opportunities, and cases linked to the company.
Dashboard Can display a management overview of the status of a customer account. For example, a chart of overdue cases, a list of high priority opportunities, or a snapshot of upcoming meetings.
Key Attributes If Key Attribute Profiling has been set up for companies, you can record additional information about the company that's not captured by standard Company fields.
Marketing Can be fully customized to your needs to track information, such as detailed company segmentation information.
Notes General free text about the company . For example, a recent press release that indicates the company is due to merge with another company.
Communications Phone calls, meetings, and day-to-day correspondence with this company.
Opportunities Your sales pipeline, past and planned, for this company.
Cases Information about your customer support cases.
People People who have contact with at the company.
Addresses Company addresses
Phone/Email Phone and email details for the company.
Company Team People in your organization who are involved in activities with this company.
Documents References to all documents related to this company.
Relationships Links between the company and related companies, people, opportunities, and other information, grouped together by relationship type. For example, a list of sub-contractors working with the company.
... (Ellipses) Enables you to change the default tabs that are displayedin different areas of the system. For example, if you rarely work with Opportunities, you can remove this tab from your My CRM work area. However, you can easily enable it again if you change your mind.

The tabs available in the context of a Person are similar to these tabs but the information relates specifically to the person. The Person summary tab shows the core person details for all people you've rights to view.

See Also:

My CRM tabs

Basic screen elements

User preferences