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My CRM tabs

This section discusses each tab within the context of My CRM. The My CRM tabs show work in progress specific to you. You can also set up your own system preferences from the My CRM tabs.



Dashboard A customizable set of gadgets relating to you. For example, a list of companies from a personal saved search and a local RSS news feed.
Calendar Your planned phone calls, meetings, and day-to-day correspondence.
Contacts Contacts in Sage CRM that you want to synchronize with MS Outlook (in Classic Outlook integration or Exchange Integration).
Leads Unqualified queries about your business.
Outbound Call Lists Outbound call lists that you're working on. This tab isn't displayed by default. You can enable it in My CRM | Preferences.
Opportunities Your current sales pipeline.
Forecasts Your quarterly sales forecasts. This tab isn't displayed by default. Your System Administrator must give you access to this tab.
Cases Open customer service cases assigned to you.
Solutions Existing knowledge base items. This tab isn't displayed by default. You can enable it in My CRM | Preferences, if your System Administrator has given you rights to access Solutions.
Shared Documents Corporate documents that you may need to access on a daily basis.
Preferences System settings specific to your requirements. For example, your time zone, preferred theme, preferred currency, or the first page displayed when you log on.
Groups Create, modify, and save groups of people, companies, leads, cases, and opportunities.
Exchange Integration Logs.
  • This tab must be enabled by your System Administrator. Allows users enabled for Exchange Integration to view their own log files.
  • E-marketing User Profile This tab is only available for E-marketing users. It lets them change their E-marketing contact details and email address.
    ... (Ellipses) Enables you to change the default tabs that are displayed in different areas of the system. For example, if you rarely work with Opportunities, you can remove this tab from your My CRM work area. However, you can easily enable it again if you change your mind.

    Tabs that are displayed in the context of your Team CRM are similar to these tabs but the information relates to your team. There are no Forecasts, Outbound Calls, Preferences, Contacts, Dashboard, E-marketing, or Exchange tabs in Team CRM.

    See Also:

    Company tabs

    Basic screen elements

    User preferences