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You are here: Running reports > Running a report > Activities logged report by user (Cross Tab)

Activities logged report by user (Cross Tab)

This report shows the number and types of communications logged by specified users. The search criteria includes the Date/Time field from the communication, so that you can review, for example, all communications logged for your team over the last month.

To run the report:

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click the report category Activity Reports.
  3. Click Activities Logged Report by User, or click Run next to the report. The search criteria are combined with logical "AND"s operators.This means, only activities which meet both the Date/Time and User criteria are returned.
  4. Select search criteria. For Date/Time, you can choose several date range criteria. For example:
  5. Select the users whose activities you want to report on.
  6. Click Go. The report output is displayed in a new window. This report includes a chart graphic.

See Also:

Company list by segment (List)

Opportunity closing history (Historical)

Person summary report

Exporting a Company list from a search list