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You are here: Running reports > Running a report > Company list by segment (List)

Company list by segment (List)

This report displays a list of companies in selected industry segments. For example, all companies in the computer - software segment. To run the report:

  1. Click Reports .
  2. Click the General report category.
  3. Click Company List by Segment or click Run next to the report name.
    The report output is displayed onscreen by default. Leave the on-screen option selected for this example.
  4. Select criteria for the report. If you leave the search criteria blank,the results return all the permitted values. To select multiple criteria on the right-hand side of the panel, hold the Ctrl key and click the individual entries.
  5. Click Go. The Company List by Segment report is displayed in a new window.

Understanding more about your report

See Also:

Activities logged report by user (Cross Tab)

Opportunity closing history (Historical)

Person summary report

Exporting a Company list from a search list