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Report fields and buttons

User Requirement: Information Manager rights

Report Details panel fields




The name of the report. This must be unique within all users and categories.

Source View

The name of the view used for this report. The source view provides the database source of the fields contained in a report.

You can typically select the Summary view of the main entity for which you're creating a report, for example, Opportunity for an opportunity report. This should give you the fields you need.

Report Type

Select from List, Cross Tab, or Historical.

Report Style

Select from Standard With Grids or Standard Without Grids. The gridlines appear on the chart section of your report output. The System Administrator can define further styles and make them available from this field.

Rows Per Page

This setting is displayed for list reports on onscreen output only.

Set the number of rows per page. When this setting is set, the first page is displayed as soon as it is generated, with arrows at the top to go to the next or last page. If you click Next or Last page before that page has been generated, a message is displayed, advising that the page is not yet ready. Once the whole report has been generated, a Go To page icon is displayed at the top of the page.

Note: The rows per page setting doesn't count the report header, title, and footer as rows. For example, 20 rows per page means 20 rows of data per page, including total lines, blank lines, and charts.

A Print Preview icon is also available, which opens a new window containing the full report as a PDF.


A free text description of the report.

Private Report

Select this option to make a report you created private.Other users will not see the report in the Report list.

Auto Hyperlinking

Create links from the report contents to the relevant records in Sage CRM. For example, click a company name on the Report Output page to open the company's summary page.

Show Original Currency Values

Display the currency values entered in the system, rather than your own preferred currency. Only available if working with multi-currency systems, if the Single Currency field is set to No in Administration | Data Management | Currency Configuration).

Note: Currency fields display in reports to the decimal precision defined by the System Administrator in the Base Currency. Numeric fields display in reports to the decimal precision defined in My CRM | Preferences.

Filter By Current User

Allows the user creating the report to limit the returned data to be applicable to the current logged on user. For example, the report output of a Communication List report, will automatically be restricted to show Communications scheduled for the logged on user.

Filter By User’s Primary Team

Allows the person creating the report to limit the returned data to be applicable to the logged on user’s Primary Team. For example, the report output of an Opportunity List report will automatically be restricted to show Opportunities assigned to the Primary Team of the logged on user.

Filter By User’s Home Territory

Allows the person creating the report to limit the returned data to be applicable to the logged on user’s Home Territory. For example, the report output of an Opportunity List report will automatically be restricted to show Opportunities in the Home Territory of the logged on user.

Select Distinct Values

Removes duplicate rows in the report output. For example, if you have a report that lists all companies that have "High" priority Cases, and there are two high priority Cases with the company Design Right, Design Right appears twice in the report output. However, if you choose the option Select Distinct Values for this report, Design Right only appears once.

Select Column panel buttons

These are on the Report Source page.

Report Formatting panel fields




The title displayed on the report. This is also the name of the Chart gadget on the Interactive Dashboard.

If you clone a report with a chart in it, you should update the chart title in the cloned report.

Left Content (Header)

The header appears at the very top of the report before any other details.

The header and footer are divided into three sections; left, center, and right. The same set of options can be displayed on each section:

  • Date. Current date, formatted according to the user's preferences.
  • Date Time. Current date and time formatted according to the user's preferences.
  • Logo. Displays a logo.
    The logo must be a file called LOGO.JPG for onscreen output, or PDFLOGO.JPG (usually a higher resolution image) for Adobe PDF output.These are located in the Reports directory.
    The logos aren't used in CSV or MS Excel output.
  • Page Number. Displays the page number on HTML and Adobe reports.
  • Report Title. Displays the title of the report.
  • Time. Current time, formatted according to the user's preferences.
  • User Name. The name of the user who's running the report.

For more information on customizing FusionCharts, please refer to Customizing Report Charts in the Themes section of the System Administrator Help.


Centre Content (Header)

Right Content (Header)

Show Summary Data

If checked, the grand totals are displayed.

Left Content (Footer)

The footer appears at the very end of the report underneath all other details. See above.

Centre Content (Footer)

See above.

Right Content (Footer)

See above.

Group Orders

This section is only displayed if columns have been added to the Group By list on the Report Options, Step 1 of 2 page. See "Sort Orders" below for an explanation of the three columns.

Sort Orders

This section is only displayed if columns have been added to the Sort On list on the Report Options, Step 1 of 2 page. Each field is listed in a grid in three columns. The first column displays the name of the field and the second column displays a check box with the column heading "Descending". If this check box is selected, the field is sorted in descending order. The default is in ascending order. The third column gives you the option to sort by Caption Order or by Translation Order. When you create drop-down list captions, it is possible to specify the order that they appear in using the Caption Order field in Translations. This is the order that will be used if you select Caption Order. Translation Order is the alphabetical order of the actual translation of the column in the language of the user running the report. If neither is selected, the default is alphabetically on the Caption Code.

Column Formatting

This section lists all of the columns (except Group By columns) that are displayed on the report. For each field listed there are three options. The first option is the name of the field, the second option allows you to specify a total for the column. There are five types of totals, Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum, and Sum. All five types are available if the field is a numeric field. For non-numeric fields only Count is available. The third option is for alignment, there is a radio-group with three options: left-justify, center-justify, and right-justify.

Chart Options panel fields



Show Chart

Check to show a chart.

Available On Classic/Interactive Dashboard

When checked, the chart is available for selection from the Report Charts category on the Classic or Interactive Dashboard. Refer to Adding report charts to a classic dashboard or Chart gadget for more information.

Chart Style

The type of chart you want to display. Available styles include Point, Fast Line, Line, Bar, Area, Horizontal Bar, Pie, Doughnut, Pyramid, Funnel, Stacked, Gauge, and Combination. Please refer to Report fields and buttons for examples.

Show Legend

Toggles the legend display on or off.

Legend Alignment

Aligns legend bottom, top, left, or right.


Indicates what column is to be used for the left axis of the chart.


Chart label for the left axis. If this is blank the translated field name is used.


Indicates what totaling function to use on the left field. The returned values of the left field must be numeric. Valid options for this field are Average, Count, Minimum, Maximum, and Sum. Only numeric fields have all five options, non-numeric fields have the Count option only. Because the returned value must be numeric, non-numeric fields always have the Count option selected. Numeric fields can also specify no totaling since the underlying field value is numeric.


The field to be used for the bottom axis of the chart.


The caption to be used for the bottom axis. If this is blank the translated field name is used.


Only applicable if the Category field is a date/time field. Allows the value of the field to be split up into date ranges like month names.


Indicates the column to be used for the line on a Combination chart.


Chart label for the line on a Combination chart.


Indicates the totaling function used for the line on a Combination chart. Valid options for numeric fields are Average, Count, Minimum, Maximum, Sum, and Value (no totaling function). Non-numeric fields must be set to Count because the returned value must be numeric.

Group By

If a Group By option was selected in the Report Options Step 1 of 2 page, this field is displayed on the Chart Options panel. It displays a separate chart per grouping.


If the Group By field is filled in the Chart Options, a further field, Multi-Bar, is displayed. This displays all the groups on each chart.

Segment 1 Lower Limit %

The starting value of the first partition in the gauge chart. This is a percentage of the target value. For example, if your target is 100%, you might set the lower limit to 33%. Set the color of the first partition in Segment 1 Color and the name of the partition in Segment 1 Caption.

Segment 2 Lower Limit %

The starting value of the second partition in the gauge chart. This is a percentage of the target value. For example, if your target is 100%, you might start the second partition at 66%. The end value of the second partition is your target which is automatically taken from your forecast for the relevant period. For more information, see Forecasts. Set the color of the second partition in Segment 2 Color and the name of the partition in Segment 2 Caption.

Segment 3 Upper Limit %

The end value of the third partition in the gauge chart. This is a percentage of the target value. For example, if your target is 100%, you might end the third partition at 133%. The starting value of the third partition is your target which is automatically taken from your forecast for the relevant period. For more information, see Forecasts. Set the color of the third partition in Segment 3 Color and the name of the partition in Segment 3 Caption.

Segment 1 Color

The color of the first partition in the gauge chart.

Segment 2 Color

The color of the second partition in the gauge chart.

Segment 3 Color

The color of the third partition in the gauge chart.

Segment 1 Caption

The name of the first partition in the gauge chart.

Segment 2 Caption

The name of the second partition in the gauge chart.

Segment 3 Caption

The name of the third partition in the gauge chart.

See Also:

Creating a list report

Chart styles

Adding a chart to a report

Creating a cross tabular report

Creating a historical report

Adding a new report style

Key Attribute Profiling. Refer to the System Administrator Help.

Saving report search criteria