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Analyzing E-marketing Campaigns

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights and E-marketing enabled.

The E-marketing Analysis tab is displayed in the context of Campaigns and Wave Activities, and shows results from E-marketing E-mails and Drip Marketing E-mails. In the Wave Activity context you can drill down on individual reports, for example, Open & Clicks, and export them to Excel, or create a new group of recipients from the report results.

Note: The results are updated nightly (03:00 Mountain Time - GMT -6 hrs/-7 hrs) with information pulled from Swiftpage.

To view E-marketing analysis data at the Wave Activity level:

  1. From the E-marketing Wave Activity Summary tab, switch to the E-marketing Wave Activity Analysis tab. The top panel shows a summary of the results, the bottom panel provides hyperlinks to analysis reports. The tables below explain the columns and reports.
  2. Click a report, for example, the Open & Clicks report. A list of recipients meeting the report criteria is displayed.
  3. From the report results you can Create New Group, Export To Excel, or Export To PDF. You can use the filter box on the right-hand side of the screen to narrow the list. For example, recipients where the number of clicks is greater than 2 - and then base your new group of the filtered list.
  4. Click Continue to return to the Analysis tab.

E-Marketing Results Summary Columns

Column Description


Subject of the E-marketing or Drip E-mail. Click to open the Wave Activity Summary page.


The number of emails that were submitted for sending (the number of the recipients in the group).


The number of emails actually sent (submitted minus duplicate, invalid, or opted out email addresses).


The number of emails that were not sent due to duplicate, invalid, or opted out email addresses.


The number of emails that bounced back due to invalid email addresses or domain names. Note: When an email bounces back three times from the same email address within a 60-day period, the fourth and further times that the same email address is blasted, the email does not go out, and is counted as Unsent.

Unique Opens

The number of individuals, who opened the email, regardless of how many times they opened it.

Unique Clicks


The number of individuals, who clicked on any link in the email. An individual can only count once per link within an email.


Total Clicks

The total number of times any of the links were clicked on within any of the emails sent out. An individual's clicks on a link counts more than once.

E-marketing Results Analysis Reports

Report Description

Open & Clicks

For each recipient, shows the:

  • Time they first opened the email
  • Number of times they opened the email
  • Number of times they clicked on a link

Unique Opens By Time

Shows the:

  • Local time stamp of the first time that the recipient opened the email
  • Number of times they opened the email

The report is sorted by the local time column.

Unique Opens By E-mail

Shows the number of times each recipient opened the email, sorted by email address.

Opens By E-mail

Shows the local time that the email was opened, sorted by email address.

Opens By Time

Shows the local time that the email was opened, sorted by opened time.

Unique Clicks By Link

Shows the address of each link in the email, and the email address of the recipient who clicked on it, sorted by link.

Unique Clicks By E-mail

Shows the number of times each link was clicked on, sorted by email address.

Clicks By Link

Shows the first click and total number of clicks for each link, sorted by email address.


Shows a list of recipients where the email remained unopened.


Shows a list of recipients where the email bounced.


Shows a list of recipients where the email was unsent and a reason (supplied by Swiftpage).

See Also:

Creating an E-marketing email

Creating a Drip Marketing E-mail