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You are here: Campaign management > Creating a Drip Marketing E-mail

Creating a Drip Marketing E-mail

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights and E-marketing enabled.

You can create a drip marketing email:

To create a Drip Marketing E-mail wave activity:

  1. Click Marketing | E-marketing, click an existing drip campaign. Note: A drip marketing wave activity can only be set up as part of a drip marketing campaign.
  2. Drill down to a campaign wave, and click New Wave Activity.
  3. Complete the Wave Activity Fields, making sure that the Type is set to Drip Marketing E-mail.
  4. Complete the Drip Marketing E-mail fields. These are described in Drip Marketing E-mail Fields.
  5. Click Save. A Drip Campaign communication is created for the user and can be viewed from My CRM | Calendar. Once the email has been sent by Swiftpage, the communication status is updated to Complete, and the communication record is displayed in the Communications tab of each recipient.
  6. Click Continue to return to the Drip Marketing Wave Summary page. From here you can add more wave activities to the same campaign wave. For example, this could be another Drip Marketing email or any other standard wave activity type.

See Also:

Setting up a drip marketing campaign

Creating a Drip Marketing Call List

Campaign, wave and wave activity fields

Campaign wave activity action types