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Adding a combination chart to a customer service report

User Requirement: Information Manager rights

This example creates a combination chart that reports on customer case activity. A bar chart displays the number of cases that each user opened and a line chart displays the number of cases that each user closed for the current year.

A combination chart is also useful in a Monthly Sales Trends report to show information such as the revenue earned from sales and the number of sales that were closed in a particular period.

  1. Click Reports | Customer Service and click New.
  2. Complete the fields to create a new list report. You'll need a source view that compares cases opened this year against cases closed this year. For information about creating views, see the System Administrator Guide.
  3. Ensure Report Contents includes
  4. Ensure Search Criteria includes Cases: Created Data.
  5. Ensure Group By includes Cases: Assigned To.
  6. Click Continue to proceed to Reports Options, Step 2 of 2.
  7. Scroll to the Chart Options panel to configure the combination chart.
  8. Click Save. To run the report and view the chart, click the arrow in the Run column beside your new report.

To display charts in a PDF report, Adobe Flash must be installed on the Sage CRM server. Ask your System Administrator to install this software.

See Also:

Report fields and buttons

Chart styles

Adding report charts to a classic dashboard