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Reviewing synchronization conflicts (Classic Outlook integration)

Conflict information is generated if two people change the same information in either CRM or Outlook since the last synchronization (and the System Administrator has set the appropriate User Configuration settings).

For example, an appointment is created in Outlook starting at 4 pm, finishing at 5.30 pm. The appointment is synchronized, and is displayed in CRM. Before the next synchronization takes place, one user changes the end time to 4.30 pm in CRM, and another user changes the end time to 6 pm in Outlook. When synchronization takes place, the appointment end time is updated to 6 pm in CRM and Outlook, and a conflict is displayed in Outlook.

To review the synchronization conflict:

  1. In Outlook, click CRM | View Conflict Log. The Synchronization Conflicts window is displayed.
  2. Click the conflict you want to view in the List Of Logged Conflicts panel. The left-hand side of the Conflict Details panel shows the field or fields where a conflict has arisen. The right-hand side of the Conflict Details panel shows the values before the synchronization took place.
  3. Scroll to highlighted field to review the conflict in data. Click Close to close the Synchronization Conflicts window.

See Also:

Downloading the Outlook plug-in for Classic Outlook integration

Using CRM from within Outlook (Classic Outlook integration)

Adding contacts: CRM to Outlook (Classic Outlook integration)

Synchronizing appointments and tasks (Classic Outlook integration)

Reviewing skipped items (Classic Outlook integration)

Filing emails from Outlook to CRM (Classic Outlook integration)

Reinstalling the Outlook plug-in for Classic Outlook integration

Uninstalling the Outlook plug-in for Classic Outlook integration